Bravely Simple

ConnectEDU updates.

The last few months have been incredibly busy and loads has changed around #ConnectED so I thought it was high time for an update.

We’ve made ConnectED easier to erm…connect to. 

The basic idea of ConnectED is to create a community of teachers accessing experiences and learning that works, to progress on their own journey towards success. It all got a bit complicated with different types of market stall so we’ve taken all that out. Now you just sign up as an educator or an organisation. So you put up a bit of info and then connect – teachers can find roles, resources and training and organisations can find teachers to work with them or provide a service for them. 

From your feedback we’ve realised that it’s tricky setting up the ‘shop window’ and it’s not easy enough to find what you’re looking for. So we’ve made some changes. Now you simply join up as ‘people’ or ‘organisations’ and the categories are simpler.

Teachers come to us looking for inspirational learning, whilst organisations come to connect to educators. Sometimes the link is obvious so the site does all the work. For example; a teacher wants to find a book to support their assessment practice, the publisher shows how the book is relevant in the market stall, teacher clicks on the links and the connection is made. For a longer journey our job is to get to know you and what you need and match you up; put teachers in touch with experiences, roles and learning that lead to progress, and organisations in touch with teachers who need their training or who would be the perfect fit for that vacant role. This can be done step by step, or we can support you over the long term.

You can set up a profile for free and find the people or experiences you need unaided, or we can hold your hand and build your profile and journey together via a subscription. 

Arrrgggh! We mentioned the m word. Education is a bit allergic to talking about cold hard cash so you might like to know how our business model works, and that we’re not a(nother) big commercial organisation draining money out of the education system. 

You can appear on our site for free, as either an organisation or an educator. If you make a connection we charge a small fee, which is 5% of the transaction cost. This keeps the lights on at ConnectED Central. We guarantee this fee so if things don’t work out you get a refund. 

Navigating your own journey through your career, or finding what you need from the education community can be hard work, so we also have a subscription package. For educators, this includes a personal consultation to establish where you’re going and how you’re going to get there, and makes introductions to people who can help you, links to training and help with your CV. For organisations we’ll work with you to establish how you want to link to the education community, provide insight into the area you’re interested in and make recommendations on which educators to connect to so you get a better match. All subscribers make connections for free and you get to come to our events for a reduced rate. More details on cost by request and will be on the website soon.

Now we’ve tightened up our process we’re expecting to grow fast so get #ConnectED now at

Lucy x